Evaluation is always conditioned by the subjects who conduct it, and who put themselves (or are placed, even against their will), in a situation of choice and decision. It is therefore precisely these decision-making situations that determine the value and utility and thus they influence evaluation, choice and decision.It is in this way that individual value or utility is determined, as with social utility (of the community, group, etc.). Even the most materially objective basic needs (food, health, housing) and the perception of their scarcity are influenced by decision-making situations, and can be the subject of preference. And cultural diversity is projected on the diversity of preferences.To evaluate a thing or an event, a community relies on the knowledge of how its members evaluate that event. Evaluations differ from person to person and from group to group, so the community must aggregate them and relate them to the perception of value by the community as a whole (social or community assessment). Since individual and group assessments, those of the community as a whole, and those of social or community perception are all influenced by the specific characteristics of the diverse groups in which the community is composed, the social value can vary in different environments and for different communities.