{"id":6422,"date":"2020-06-20T11:54:14","date_gmt":"2020-06-20T09:54:14","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.eccom.it\/live-museum-live-change-il-2-luglio-riaprono-gli-atelier\/"},"modified":"2021-02-15T16:20:19","modified_gmt":"2021-02-15T15:20:19","slug":"live-museum-live-change-il-2-luglio-riaprono-gli-atelier","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.eccom.it\/en\/live-museum-live-change-il-2-luglio-riaprono-gli-atelier\/","title":{"rendered":"The Ateliers at the Trajan’s Markets reopen"},"content":{"rendered":"

On July 2, the Trajan’s Markets reopen their doors to the ‘Live Museum, Live Change<\/strong>‘ artist’s ateliers. Access is by reservation only, in the two shifts of 16:30 and 17:30.
\nThe Trajan’s Markets welcome the public and come alive with new narratives and different visions developed by the artists involved in Live Museum Live Change. Gaia Bellini invites you to browse her Botanical Notebooks, a reinterpretation of the Markets through the nature that lives within them. Two poetic and delicate books, places of memory and conservation of reality, custodians of the cataloguing of Trajan’s Markets as a decomposed representation of the nature that arises from them, an inventory of the traces and colours of the varieties of botanical layers that cling to the ancient remains.
\nFabio Pennacchia’s work focuses on the weight of ephemeral eternity: three elements – a terracotta cone, a raw earth pendulum and a vine plant that grows and inhabits the Small Hemicycle- give substance to his invitation to stop in an act of meditative observation. The weight of ephemeral eternity is a metaphor for life, between the weight of gravity and the lightness of existence.
\nWith Dissezione Traiano, the Nontantoprecisi cross the spaces of the Trajan’s Markets with the last meeting of their theatre workshop. A choral experience that saw thirty people engaged in collectively living in the archaeological area. The artist’s atelier continues with a reflection on the possibilities of comparison between bodies and space: Corrado Chiatti and Mattia Pellegrini capture in a video the small movements, the breaths, the brief glances of the Nontantoprecisi, actors who make themselves sensitive statues, trying to transform the relationship between the subject looking and the object being looked at, a poetic study on collective momentary living.<\/p>\n
